To know the right temperature for your swimming pool, you should not only look at how much you are willing to spend on heating costs but, importantly, what the recommended water temperature is so that you don’t miss out on a potentially frustrating swim.
To find these levels that are perfect for your needs and budget, we have put together a list of some reputable sources from which you can learn more about swimming pool temperatures.
What Temperature Is Too Warm for You?
Pools with water that is too warm can be dangerous for swimmers in a variety of ways. Dehydration, muscular cramps, and overheating are just a few of the problems that swimmers might face when the water is too hot.
Different people will find different temperatures to be uncomfortable, but there is a general rule of thumb. Anything above 26°C will be uncomfortable for most people who enjoy swimming, and anything above 28°C could be unsafe for all swimmers.
This is a generalization, of course, but it gives you a starting point to figure out the proper water temperature for you.
What Temperature Is Too Cold for You?
Not only does cold water shock your pool, but there are health dangers to it as well. For example, water that’s too cold can have fatal effects on the swimmer’s heart, causing cardiac arrest for those with heart problems.
When the pool water temperature is too low, chemical reactions and chlorine demand also slow down, resulting in over chlorination if the dosage rate is not adjusted.
The majority of hotels and resorts maintain their pools at temperatures between 82° to 85°F (27° to 29°C) temperature. This is a comfortable temperature for swimming and lounging. This also works for most condominium units, institutions, and public pools.
How to Measure Swimming Pool Temperature?
To get a general idea of swimming pool water temperature, it is advisable to check with a pool thermometer.
A pool heater has three general types: Some pool thermometers float atop the surface water and read the pool’s temperature. Some pool thermometers process alcohol to indicate the temperature of the pool (known as analog thermometers), while others use an LCD screen to display the precise temperature of the pool (known as digital thermometers)

Wireless pool thermometers are also available. You can put one component in the pool to measure the temperature and send the data to another device that displays the pool’s temperature. Those who do not want to stoop down to grab their pool thermometer will appreciate cordless models.
Some pool thermometers, such as analog thermometers, require no energy at all. Instead, they rely on the sun to power up. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so the thermometer you choose really depends on your personal preference.
Benefits of Controlling Swimming Pool Temperature
Now that you know how to regulate your swimming pool temperature, here are some compelling reasons for doing so.

Reduced energy consumption: Controlling your pool’s water temperature will allow you to maintain it at a lower level than the standard 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius). This will reduce energy consumption and save you money in return. If you live in a place that relies heavily on hydroelectric power, lowering the cost of operation will be beneficial to both your pocket and the environment.
“The energy consumption for each degree rise in temperature will cost 10% to 30% more in energy costs, depending on your location. In warmer climates, this percentage is higher because of the relatively low cost of heating a pool at 78ºF.”
Comfort: Swimming at a lower water temperature will make you feel more comfortable. You can swim for longer without feeling too hot or too cold.
Boosts pool sanitation: Maintaining a consistent pool temperature enhances the effectiveness of chlorine, saltwater, and other pool sanitation methods. Maintaining a constant swimming pool temperature also keeps algae and germs at bay.
Safety: A lower water temperature reduces the chance of overheating, which sometimes leads to drowning. This is especially true for kids who are not yet strong swimmers or who are too young to understand the dangers of staying in the pool for too long.
Keeping the Cost Down While Maintaining the Water Temperature Up

Here are some measures you can take to keep your pool warm while still keeping your expenditures low:
- Install bushes, fences, and other elements around the pool area to block the wind from blowing into the pool.
- If your pool heater is more than five years old, it may be time to consider upgrading to a new one. These units, in most cases, pay for themselves in just a couple of months because of lower utility expenses.
- If you use your pool mostly on weekends, lower the temperature settings on weekdays.
- Turn off your pool heater if you are leaving on vacation.
- Set a timer to turn on your pool heater for a few hours in the morning and a few hours at night.
- Turn on your pool’s filtration system between the hours of 8 p.m. and 10 a.m., when power demand and electricity rates are often lower. Just make sure the system is working correctly because if it’s not, you’ll end up paying extra fees.
- Consider installing an inexpensive solar blanket for your swimming pool to keep the water warm even when the pool heater shuts off.
- Buy a solar cover for your pool. By keeping the heat from escaping from the pool’s surface, this cover can lower your pool heating costs by 20 to 30 percent.
It may take trial and error to get the perfect balance between good water temperatures in a cost-effective way. The temperature will fluctuate according to the season. However, with a little effort, you can discover your perfect temperature setting.
Remember that it is always advisable to check with your pool builder if you have any doubts about the greatest option for your pool. You will definitely find these pool articles below useful. Be sure to check it out!