Best Potted Plants for Pool Area: Top Picks for a Beautiful Oasis

Looking for the best potted plants for pool area? Check out our list of the best potted plants that are sure to make a splash!

Creating an inviting and stylish pool area requires careful consideration of the plants that best complement the space. Potted plants around your pool can enhance the aesthetic while providing much-needed shade and privacy. Choosing the right potted plants for your pool area is essential for practicality and visual appeal.

There are many factors to consider when selecting the best-potted plants for your pool area, such as climate, maintenance requirements, and design preferences. In addition to aesthetic considerations, plants must withstand poolside conditions, including exposure to sun, water, and chemicals. This article will guide you through a selection of potted plants that thrive in these unique environments and transform your pool area into an attractive, serene oasis.

Best Potted Plants for Pool Area

When choosing potted plants for your pool area, it’s crucial to select low-maintenance, sun-loving plants that can withstand the heat and humidity typically associated with poolside environments. Additionally, opting for plants with minimal leaf shedding and non-sharp edges is advisable for the safety and cleanliness of the pool area.

Rosemary stands out as an exceptional choice among potted plants for pool areas. Not only is it easy to care for, thriving in sunny and dry conditions, but it also adds a pleasant, light scent when brushed against or touched, enhancing the overall atmosphere of your pool area. Rosemary’s versatility allows it to be used in various ways, from hedges to planters, making it a flexible addition to your poolside landscaping.

Another excellent selection for potted plants for pool areas is Angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia). Known for its stunning trumpet-shaped flowers and heavenly scent, it is an ideal candidate for a potted shrub or small tree near the pool. These plants can be brought indoors during winter, allowing them to go dormant and ensuring their regrowth in the following spring.

For those seeking a tropical aesthetic in their potted plants for pool areas, Bird of Paradise and banana trees are superb options. These plants can transform your poolside into a lush, private backyard retreat with their exotic foliage and eye-catching flowers. However, it’s essential to ensure that your climate is suitable for these tropical plants before incorporating them into your pool area landscaping.

Incorporating ornamental grasses into your selection of potted plants for pool areas is also a wise choice. Grasses such as Fountain Grass (Pennisetum) and Blue Fescue (Festuca glauca) add texture, color, and movement to your pool area. These grasses are particularly appealing for their drought tolerance and low-maintenance nature, making them an excellent choice for poolside greenery.

Tall Plants and Flowers beside Swimming Pool

Understanding USDA Zones for Poolside Plants

Your pool’s location plays a crucial role in selecting potted plants for pool areas. Different plants thrive in various USDA zones, which are determined by the region’s minimum winter temperatures. Ensure that your chosen potted plants for pool areas can withstand the local climate. This is especially important for outdoor plants that will be exposed to the elements year-round.

Soil Needs and Potting Mix for Potted Plants

The health of potted plants for pool areas largely depends on the quality of the soil and potting mix used. A good potting mix provides adequate nutrients and drainage, essential for plant growth. Container plants, unlike those planted in the ground, rely solely on the potting mix for their nutritional needs. Regularly check the soil’s moisture level, as potted plants for pool areas often require more frequent watering than their in-ground counterparts.

Selecting the Best Plants for Your Pool Area

When choosing potted plants for pool areas, consider both aesthetics and practicality. Great container plants like hydrangeas offer vibrant flower buds, while ornamental grasses add a touch of greenery without overwhelming the space. Succulents and English ivy are excellent choices for those seeking low-maintenance plants. For shaded areas or spots with partial shade, opt for species that don’t require full sunlight to thrive.

The Charm of Container Gardening with Potted Plants

Container gardening is not just functional; it’s also a creative way to add personality to your pool deck with potted plants for pool areas. From large pots that house hardy plants to hanging baskets that display delicate flowering plants, the possibilities are endless. Consider using a variety of planter types to create visual interest. For areas with direct sunlight, choose plants that can withstand the heat, while shady spots might be perfect for more delicate flora.

Maintaining Your Outdoor Potted Plants

To keep your potted plants for pool areas thriving, regular maintenance is key. Monitor plant growth and prune as necessary to encourage new growth and flower production. Be aware of the plant roots; if they start to crowd the container, it may be time to repot. Additionally, some plants, like the sweet potato vine, can become quite expansive and may need more frequent trimming to maintain their shape.

Selecting and caring for potted plants for your pool area involves considering the local USDA zone, choosing the right soil and potting mix, and understanding the needs of your chosen plants. Whether you opt for flowering plants, ornamental grasses, or hardy, low-maintenance varieties, the right selection of potted plants for pool areas can turn your pool deck into an enchanting outdoor space.

Factors to Consider

When choosing the best-potted plants for your pool area, consider several factors to create an aesthetically pleasing and functional space for relaxation and entertainment.

1. Poolside Environment

The poolside environment plays a crucial role in determining the most suitable plants for the area. Assess sunlight exposure, temperature, and humidity to help you select the most appropriate plants for your pool environment.

For instance, if your pool area receives full sun, consider sun-loving plants like the climbing geraniums or the tropical banana tree for a more exotic ambiance. On the other hand, for partially shaded pool areas, plants like the Staghorn fern can thrive and provide a lush green atmosphere.

2. Maintenance Requirements

Choose potted plants that match your desired level of maintenance. Some plants, like the Zebra Grass, are easy to care for and multiply, while others may require more attention and upkeep.

Consider the following aspects of plant maintenance:

  • Watering frequency and amounts
  • Pruning and trimming needs
  • Fertilizing requirements
  • Pest and disease management

Selecting low-maintenance plants allows you to enjoy your pool area more and less time tending to your greenery.

3. Pot Selection

While the plants themselves are essential, selecting suitable pots can also enhance the beauty and functionality of your poolside space. Consider size, material, and style when choosing the perfect plant containers.

Opt for pots that provide adequate drainage, resist fading from sun exposure, and complement the overall design of your pool area. Additionally, consider the weight and stability of the pots to ensure they remain secure in their position and minimize the risk of accidents.

Top Potted Plant Choices

1. Tropical Plants

Tropical plants are an excellent choice for pool areas, as they thrive in warm and humid climates. They add a touch of paradise to your poolside, making it feel like a luxurious resort.

Some popular tropical plant options include Tropical Hibiscus (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis) and Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia). Both of these plants boast colorful blooms and can withstand the poolside environment.

Tropical Hibiscus

2. Drought-Tolerant Plants

Drought-tolerant plants are ideal for those living in areas with water restrictions or who want to conserve water. These plants require minimal irrigation, making them perfect for poolside placement.

Yucca and Echeveria are excellent drought-tolerant plant options. These hardy plants offer architectural interest and can thrive in challenging environments.


3. Colorful Foliage Plants

Adding plants with colorful foliage to your poolside can make a visually striking statement. Vibrant leaves bring color and provide a striking contrast to the pool’s blue water.

Consider plants like the Coleus or Croton for their brightly colored leaves, making any pool area more inviting and eye-catching.


4. Aromatic Plants

Aromatic plants can enhance your overall pool experience by adding pleasant scents to the mix. The combination of soothing water and delightful fragrance creates a relaxing atmosphere.

Lavender and Rosemary are popular aromatic plant choices for poolside pots. In addition to their lovely fragrance, these plants also offer beneficial properties, such as natural mosquito repellents.


Plant Care Tips

Proper care and maintenance are essential to keep your potted plants around the pool area healthy and vibrant. To help you get started, we’ve provided some helpful tips on watering, fertilizing, and repotting.


Different plants have varying water requirements, but poolside plants generally need consistent moisture due to the warm, sunny environment in which they grow. Some excellent low-maintenance plants that can tolerate poolside conditions include Banana trees and Staghorn Ferns.

Establish a regular watering schedule for your potted plants, checking the soil moisture before watering. It’s essential to avoid overwatering as this can lead to root rot and other issues. Industries recommend allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings to promote healthy root growth.


The right nutrients are crucial for your potted plants’ growth and overall health. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer during the growing season and adjust the amount depending on the specific needs of your plants—for instance, Birds of Paradise benefits from a high-potassium fertilizer that encourages vibrant blooms and sturdy growth.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application rates and frequency, consistently applying fertilizer to moist soil to avoid root burn. It’s also a good idea to perform a soil test every couple of years to ensure your plants receive the correct nutrients.


As your potted plants grow, their roots may become constricted and limited in size, leading to stunted growth and poor health. Regularly repotting your plants can ensure they have enough space to grow and develop properly.

When repotting, choose a container one to two sizes larger than the current pot, ensuring proper drainage holes are present. Gently pull out the plant from its current pot and tease the roots if tightly bound. Place the plant in the new container and fill it with fresh, well-draining soil, watering thoroughly after repotting to help settle the soil around the roots.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using potted plants in a pool area?

Potted plants add aesthetic appeal, color, and a touch of nature to your pool area. They can create a more inviting and relaxing atmosphere, provide privacy, and help to soften the overall design of the space.

How do I choose the right potted plants for my pool area’s conditions?

Consider factors like sunlight exposure, climate, wind conditions, and the amount of maintenance you’re willing to commit to. Choose plants that thrive in your local climate and are suitable for the specific microenvironment around your pool.

How should I care for potted plants in a pool area?

Proper care involves regular watering, appropriate fertilization, and monitoring for pests or diseases. Ensure that potted plants have good drainage to prevent waterlogged roots. Prune and deadhead plants as needed to encourage healthy growth and prevent overgrowth.

Are there any safety considerations when using potted plants near a pool?

Safety is essential. Choose plants that are non-toxic and not thorny or prickly to avoid any hazards for swimmers. Make sure the pots are stable and won’t easily tip over. Keep potted plants away from pool equipment and walkways to prevent tripping hazards.

Author’s Note

Choosing the right potted plants is essential for creating an inviting and practical pool area. Consider factors such as the poolside environment, maintenance requirements, and pot selection when selecting plants. Some excellent options include Rosemary, Angel’s Trumpet, Bird of Paradise, and Ornamental Grasses.

Proper care and maintenance are essential, including regular watering, fertilizing, and repotting. Following these tips and selecting the right plants can create a beautiful and serene poolside oasis.

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About the author

Maria Anderson

I am an arts and design lover. My passion are swimming pools and gardening. Follow me in our family project where we want to help everyone to make their dream pool become reality.

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