Trichlor chlorine is used all over the world.
It removes algae, kills bacteria, and helps remove nitrates from your pool as well. This type of chlorine is also safe for people and pets to swim in. You’ll find it at home supply stores or online retailers that sell swimming pool supplies.
The added bonus? This will save you more money in a year on chemicals you may not even need to use after using this type of chlorine.
This article will teach you all about Trichlor Chlorine, including how to use it, the pros and cons of using trichlor, and why it’s awesome! It may also help dispel common myths about chlorine in general, which helps you to learn more about this useful pool chemical.
But does Trichlor Chlorine really work? Is it safe? And what are its advantages and disadvantages? Let’s find out.
What is Trichlor Chlorine?
- Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione, short for Trichlor holds 90% available chlorine, the highest available content of any chlorine sanitizing pool treatment except for chlorine gas.
- Trichlor Chlorine is often found in powder or granular form and is a combination of mixed chlorine and cyanuric acid.
- Trichlor Chlorine is used to destroy bacteria in swimming pools and hot tubs. The dissolution of tablets in the water produces hydrochloric acid that binds itself to contaminants and breaks down their cell walls, leaving them unable to infect their surroundings with bacteria and diseases. Contaminants will also lose the power to multiply and cause more health problems.
- Other chlorine products also function like this, but Trichlor Chlorine is more potent than many other sanitizers in the market.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Trichlor Chlorine in Your Swimming Pool
Trichlor Chlorine is an excellent product, but before purchasing anything you will be in close touch with, it is vital to learn everything you can about it. Trichlor also comes with a couple of drawbacks. But first, let’s take a peek at the positives.
- It’s about the most potent concentration of chlorine you can buy for your pool.
- It’s readily available on the internet or at any local swimming pool supply store.
- It kills algae and other bacteria and germs that can cause diseases like warts, rashes, swimmer’s ear, etc.,
- It’s pretty easy to use because they are in tablet form, so you can just toss them into the pool right away.
- It’s inexpensive and lasts a long time, making it great for budget-minded people.
- It contains 90% available chlorine, so you don’t have to go back and forth between the pool and chemicals very often.
- Trichlor Chlorine is harsh on your skin, so you will need to wear gloves when handling it (which most people do).
- If you are using a vinyl liner pool, you’ll want to be careful with the dosage because Trichlor can damage them if left too long in pool the water. It may also cause rust in your pool walls or pool surface when not used properly.
- It’s a volatile compound that is explosive when mixing with chemicals such as cal-hypo.
- It can raise your pool’s cyanuric acid levels too rapidly, leading to the inefficiency of your chlorine. You can learn all about the proper cyanuric acid usage in your pool here.
What Are the Alternatives for Trichlor Chlorine?
Like most people, you apparently don’t have the resources or need to use a product as intense as Trichlor Chlorine. It’s too harsh for most people and too strong.
So if you do not need that much chlorine in your pool, there are alternatives – some of which we personally use!
Dichlor is another chloride product that looks like a white, pebble-like rock that easily dissolves in the water. It has around 55-62% available chlorine content, so it’s quite still stronger than other pool sanitizers. It is also a safe alternative to Trichlor.
This product can be hard to find because it only comes in 25 lb. Bags can run up to 160USD, so unless you have a huge pool, it won’t be worth your money as many of us have smaller pools that are easier to maintain.
Lithium Hypochlorite
Lithium hypochlorite is a good alternative for Trichlor Chlorine. With a concentration of around %35, you will not have to worry about the CYA level in your pool.
This is an excellent choice for people with a metal or fiberglass pool that is harder to maintain because this product will not need to go through the CYA cycle and won’t build up in your pool. Overdosing can damage your pool’s surface and walls. So, dose accordingly!
However, it’s generally more costly than the others and, of course, not as powerful.
Calcium Hypochlorite
Calcium hypochlorite, also known as pool shock and chlorine tablets, is an excellent alternative for Trichlor Chlorine. This is a much safer product than Trichlor because it does not cause skin irritation or plastic liner damage.
Make sure you buy a stabilized version that is made to be used in pools with metal or fiberglass components to avoid corrosion and discoloration of pool surfaces and walls.
Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs) About Trichlor
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the distinction between Trichlor and Dichlor?
The difference between Trichlor and dichlor is that dichlor has around 55-62 % available chlorine content and is not as harsh on your skin. On the other hand, Trichlor is more expensive and potent because it contains 90% concentration. Additionally, Trichlor will often produce a slight decrease in the pH and total alkalinity of your pool, but Dichlor would not since it has a more neutral pH balance.
What is a Trichlor tablet?
A Trichlor tablet is most common among pool owners. It comes in a package of six and can cost $4-10, depending on the size of your pool. They are often found in a blister pack or a sealed container that must be pierced with a blade. In some cases, you may find trichlor tablets in smaller containers as they may not be used for long periods. However, pool owners should have an ample amount of these tablets on hand because they come in handy when there is no time for running out to the store for more granules or powder.
Can Trichlor lower ph levels in a pool?
Trichlor can lower the ph levels in a pool. So, you’ll most likely need to boost your pool with a small amount of pH increase to maintain the water in the neutral range.
Why is Trichlor a good product for chlorination?
Trichlor is a good product for daily chlorination because it is easy to use and, for the most part, doesn’t cause any side effects. It also has no chance of clogging up the pipes or tank because it keeps itself away from the corrosion produced by other products. When you clean your pool water using Trichlor, you are adding a sanitizer as well as a stabilizer to the water. It also dissolves slowly, ensuring that your water receives the correct amount it needs.
What is trichlor chlorine and how is it used in pools?
Trichlor chlorine is a type of pool sanitizer containing stabilized chlorine tablets or sticks. It dissolves slowly to release chlorine, effectively sanitizing the pool water. Trichlor is commonly placed in a pool’s skimmer, chlorinator, or floater, allowing for continuous chlorine release.
How does trichlor chlorine work as a sanitizer?
Trichlor tablets dissolve gradually, releasing chlorine into the water. The released chlorine disinfects the pool by eliminating harmful bacteria, viruses, and algae. The stabilizing compounds in trichlor help prevent rapid chlorine degradation due to sunlight.
Are there any precautions to take when using trichlor chlorine?
Yes, caution is important. Trichlor contains cyanuric acid, which stabilizes chlorine but can lead to excessive levels over time. Regular monitoring of cyanuric acid levels is crucial to prevent over-stabilization. Additionally, trichlor can lower pH, so pH levels should be maintained.
Why is Trichlor a bad alternative for pool shocking?
When shocking a pool, you aim for a fast, highly chlorinated dosage of sanitizer to kill off any remaining pollutants or algae in the water. Unfortunately, Trichlor is intended to be a slow-dissolving agent, making it inefficient for this purpose. Additionally, because Trichlor includes CYA, you run the danger of having an excessive amount of that substance in your pool.
So, now you have some of the basics on how to chlorinate your pool daily. Trichlor is a good product with many benefits, and it is worth a try for anyone interested in keeping their pool clean and sanitized. However, it certainly has some drawbacks, so it’s essential to consider when deciding on the best way to chlorinate your pool.
Trichlor can be used for shocking too. But you need to follow a thorough guide for using it. If you don’t know how to use Trichlor properly, then get someone who does know how to use Trichlor.
Take a look at the articles below that will help you worry less about your pool. Visit our website to read all our articles. With these articles, you can find answers to your pool questions in no time. Have a great time swimming!