Let’s talk about pools. They’re beautiful to look at, and most people think they’re also easy to maintain. But the truth is, algae is a problem for almost everyone with a pool, and it can take some effort to keep these pesky creatures out of the bay.
Having a green pool is the worst, and not only it’s embarrassing, but you’re also at risk of making your guests sick. But fear not, cleaning a green pools is easier than you might think!

So how do you get your green pool back to being blue and inviting? Here are some tips.
What’s the Reason Behind That Shade of Green in Your Pool?
The color of your pool could be many things, but the most common cause is algae. Algae infestation may take a fair amount of effort to get rid of because they build up quickly. This means you need to do a better job of getting it out before it grows in full force and turning your beautiful blue pool to dark green.

The first step in cleaning your green pool is identifying what causes the problem- there are many ways to do this. Some people may want to consult with their local pool professionals to clarify their specific situation. Once you’ve found your problem, then you can begin the process of resolving it.
How to Identify What Algae Is Causing My Pool to Turn Green?
Algae are microscopic organisms that thrive well in water. They require a moist environment to grow. So, if you have a pool, it is likely that the pool turning green is because of algae infestation.
Two types of algae can cause your pool to turn green:
Icky Brown Algae
This type of unattractive algae can be identified by its large size and its fluffy texture when touched with fingers or tweezers, as well as its very pronounced coloration when disturbed or moved from one place to another.

Green Algae
The Chlorophyta algae, which derives its green color from chlorophyll, is the most common and simplest to eradicate algal problems. Green algae floats on the water’s surface, clouding it and imparting a greenish tint to it.

What’s So Bad About Algae?
If you have a pool, it’s important to know what the dangers of algae are. It can turn your water from clear and blue to green or black. Algae is not only gross, but it can also change the chemical balance in your pool and hurt your health.
Here are more reasons why you must act immediately when algae present themselves to your pool.
Algae Blocks Filters and Reduces Water Flow
Many people think algae are harmless to the pool, but they can cause many problems. The first problem is that algae blocks filters and reduces the flow of water in a pool. This can make it really hard to clean up the leaves around your filter because you won’t reach them as easily with your cleaner.
Algae Looks Gross
One of the other reasons why algae are bad for pools is that it looks gross and greenish-brown, which doesn’t look very appealing when you’re trying to relax by your pool or swimming in it! They also require a lot more chemicals than other types of plants or bacteria because they grow and multiply fast.
Algae Can Host Bad Bacteria
While algae are not poisonous to swimmers, they can cause other problems by acting as a host for harmful bacteria such as E. coli. Algae also reduce swimmer’s and bathers’ visibility.
The main reason why algae are bad for pools is that it’s gross-looking but harmful as well!
Quick Easy Steps to Wipe Out Algae
So, what can you do to get rid of the algae and algae spores in your pool? Well, there are a few simple ways to solve this problem.
Here are some things that you should try:
Step 1: Thoroughly Brush Your Pool Walls
Brush any leaves and debris off of your pool walls with a long-handled brush. This will help prevent leaves from getting into the water and eventually creating black gunk on the bottom of your pool. There’s nothing uglier than that!
Step 2: Cleaning up Leaves Around Filter
This step starts second before any type of treatment since if you don’t remove the debris around your filter, you’ll never properly treat the area. You want to use a leaf vacuum or brush to collect the leaves and debris around your filter. If you do not remove the leaves and other debris, they could clog your pump and prevent your pool from circulating correctly.
Step 3: Testing for High PH Levels
When testing your pool for PH levels, you want to check two areas; the deep end and shallow end. Make sure to take samples from both locations. Once you’ve taken those samples, mix them together and put them in a container with distilled water. Then wait 24 hours before measuring the results again.
If your PH goes above 8.0, you may have too much calcium present in your pool. Calcium builds up over time due to normal wear and tear on equipment like pumps. There are many ways to get rid of excess calcium, including regular maintenance, adjusting pH levels, chlorinating less often, adding lime softener, and even changing filters regularly.
Step 4: Shocking Your Pool!
The pool must be shocked to remove the algae from the pool. This will remove the nutrients that they need to survive and allow for algae-free water.
Most pool shock solutions provide detailed directions on how much to use in different circumstances, but according to Pool Spa News, to de-structure the DNA of algae, you must chlorinate the water with a concentration of 30 parts per million (ppm)
If the water in your pool is dark green, this indicates that you have a large algae infestation. We suggest shocking your pool three times. In addition, if the hue of your green pool is evocative of a dark, scary swamp, shock it quadruple times.
Step 5: Pump and Filter Again
You will see a significant change about 24 hours after applying chlorine. Your pool will most likely no longer be green, but it will most likely still be murky because of dead algae floating around. Keep your pump running. Brush the walls, ladders, and stairs to remove any algae that have been trapped, allowing it to be filtered out by the filter.
If you have dead algae that have settled to the bottom of your pool, vacuum it up with a manual pool vacuum or run a robotic pool vacuum until the water is crystal clear. You should clean your pool filter and vacuum filter bags thoroughly or many times during the shock process.
Step 6: Test for Overnight Pool Chemistry Change
Do an overnight chlorine loss test (OCLT) to see whether any algae has survived the cleaning process. Both the sun and algae will decrease your chlorine supply. Consequently, test the free chlorine after sunset and the next morning before the sun comes up to confirm the results.
If you see a decrease in free chlorine, this indicates that there is still algae present, and you should maintain the pool at shock level for chlorine the next day. Then, repeat the OCLT the next night and before sunrise the following day. When your free chlorine level stays constant or has only decreased by less than 1 point, you may let the chlorine recover to its target level without further action.
Tips for Ongoing Maintenance to Reduce the Chances of Possible Algae Manifestation in the Future
Here are a few easy steps you can take to ensure that your pool water remains crystal clear:
- Regularly check your pool for leaks around pipes, skimmers, pumps, etc.. If you find a leak, fix it immediately.
- Clean all surfaces inside and outside your pool thoroughly every week. Use a brush and soap solution to get rid of dirt and debris. For stubborn stains, try scrubbing them off with a wire brush. You might also want to consider getting some salt spray to help dissolve those tough spots.
- Make sure your pool’s filtration system works properly. Check your pool filter regularly to make sure it hasn’t clogged up. Also, replace filters when they become dirty or start producing more wastewater than normal.
- Maintain proper pH levels. To do so, use a testing kit from a local store. The ideal range is 7.5 to 8.0. Any lower, and you’ll need to add acid; higher, and you’ll need to adjust alkalinity.
- Be aware of how much sunlight affects your pool. Too much exposure leads to algal growth, which then requires extra pool chemicals to control. Also, don’t forget to winterize your pool during the winter months.
- Avoid adding too much-chlorinated water to your pool. This can lead to cloudy conditions.
Maintaining a clean pool keeps it inviting and healthy for the swimmers who visit. Keeping your chlorinator running, vacuuming up any debris, and adding CYA all help you maintain your pool in a healthy state so that this doesn’t happen again in the future.
You will save time and money by doing a little additional maintenance on your pool every week, rather than having to clean out a filthy green mess once a month.
Now, get your swimming attire and enjoy that pristine blue water!
Learn more about maintaining a clean swimming pool and keeping it safe for your family.
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Learn more about maintaining a clean swimming pool and keeping it safe for your family. You can find more pool-related articles on our website.